Raoul van Wersch Comes From Behind on Matin Talebi Again

Mar 21, 2024

Photo: Raoul van Wersch

Sven Stok raises to 80,000 in the cutoff before Raoul van Wersch moves all in for 520,000 on the button. Matin Talebi then reshoves in the big blind. “I actually have a decision,” Stok says as he tanks for a minute before folding.

Raoul van Wersch: Diamond KHeart 10
Matin Talebi: Diamond QSpade Q

Talebi hits top set on the Spade 10Heart QClub 9 flop, but van Wersch makes a straight on the Club J turn. The river is the Spade 3 and van Wersch doubles up.

“You’re good at all ins,” Max Deveson says to him.

“Get it in bad and win,” van Wersch replies.

Matin Talebi- 4,300,000 (108 bb)
Raoul van Wersch- 1,100,000 (28 bb)
Sven Stok- 1,600,000 (40 bb)

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