Taras Mokliak Doubles Off Max Deveson

Mar 21, 2024

Heads-up on a flop of Heart 10Spade 4Heart 8, Taras Mokliak bets 75,000 from early position before Max Deveson raises to 475,000 in the big blind. Mokliak spends several time banks before he calls, leaving himself one 5,000 chip behind.

Deveson doesn’t realize he has a chip behind and turns over Spade JHeart 9 as the dealer flips over the Spade 3 turn. “You can always check-fold,” Mokliak tells him. 

He also checks and the Heart 5 comes on the river. Mokliak then puts in his last chip and Deveson calls. Mokliak shows Club QDiamond Q and Deveson mucks.

Taras Mokliak- 1,100,000 (37 bb)
Max Deveson- 2,600,000 (87 bb)

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