Pierre Lewandowski Eliminated by Kiarash Nabavieh

Mar 21, 2024

Pierre Lewandowski is all in for around 250,000 from the cutoff, Kiarash Nabavieh shoves for 350,000 in early position, and Dennis Leethaus has both players covered and at risk in the small blind.

Pierre Lewandowski: Diamond QHeart 10
Kiarash Nabavieh: Spade QDiamond J
Dennis Leethaus: Diamond AHeart K

The flop comes Heart JDiamond 8Heart 3 and Nabavieh hits top pair to take the lead. The board runs out Spade 3Diamond 4 and Nabavieh takes out Lewandowski and doubles up off Leethaus.

Kiarash Nabavieh- 800,000 (40 bb)
Dennis Leethaus- 1,200,000 (60 bb)
Pierre Lewandowski- eliminated

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