Pierre Lewandowski Doubles Off Max Deveson Twice

Mar 21, 2024

Pierre Lewandowski moves all in for around 80,000 from the small blind and Max Deveson calls on the button.

Pierre Lewandowski: Heart 7Heart 5
Max Deveson: Heart AHeart 4

The board comes out Diamond 9Heart 2Spade 6Spade 7Club 9 and Lewandowski hits a seven on the turn to win the pot and double up.

A few hands later, Lewandowski was all in again against Deveson.

Pierre Lewandowski: Heart 7Club 7
Max Deveson: Spade ASpade K

Deveson hit top pair on the [9cQhAh[/pc] flop, and Lewandowski got up from his seat once the Spade 4 fell on the turn. The river, though, was the Spade 7 and Lewandowski rivered a set to double up yet again.

Pierre Lewandowski- 600,000 (30 bb)
Max Deveson- 950,000 (48 bb)

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