Koos Bos Eliminates Chris Briggs and Michael Heunks

Mar 21, 2024

Chris Briggs raises to 35,000 from middle late position and Koos Bos calls on the button while Michael Heunks calls in the big blind. 

The flop rolls out Heart 2Spade QHeart 3 and action checks to Briggs who bets 50,000. Bos raises to 150,000 which prompts Heunks to move all in for 145,000. Chris Briggs moves all in for 560,000 total which Bos calls. 

“You must have a set,” lamented Briggs, but Bos shook his head. 

Michael Heunks: Heart KHeart 7
Chris Briggs: Club QClub 9
Koos Bos: Heart AHeart 4

Briggs holds top pair while van Wersch holds a myriad of outs, some of which are blocked by Heunks’ inferior flush draw. The board runs out Diamond 10Club A and Bos rivers top pair to eliminate both players and take down a significant pot. 

Koos Bos – 1,950,000 (130 bb)
Chris Briggs – Eliminated in 73rd place for €2,752 
Michael Heunks – Eliminated in 74th place for €2,752 

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