David Uvaydov Spikes a Two-Outer to Double

Mar 20, 2024

Photo: David Uvaydov

With around 60,000 in the pot on a board of Club 9Diamond KSpade 10Spade 7, Marco Meisser bets 21,000 from the big blind and David Uvaydov moves all in for 52,000 under the gun.

Meisser calls with Diamond 9Spade 9 for a set of nines and has Uvaydov’s Heart KHeart 9 crushed. The river comes the Club K and a collective gasp rises from the table as Uvaydov spikes a full house to double up.

“I’m in Amsterdam. I might as well stay awhile,” Uvaydov says.

Tobias Peters was recently moved to this table.

David Uvaydov- 150,000 (38 bb)
Marco Meisser- 140,000 (35 bb)
Tobias Peters- 410,000 (103 bb)

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