Erik Tabak Hits His Ace

Mar 20, 2024

A player raises to 3,500 in middle position which sees a player call in the hijack, while in the small blind, Erik Tabak moves all in for 18,300 which sees the initial raiser fold and the hijack go into the tank. 

“It doesn’t work in school, why should it work here?” laments the hijack.

“I didn’t go to school,” replies Tabak “so I wouldn’t know.”

After some more thought the hijack calls and the cards are tabled. 

Hijack: Club KSpade 10
Erik Tabak: Heart ASpade K

The board runs out Club 10Spade 6Club 4Spade JClub A and the river ace puts Tabak back in the lead as he rakes in a pot. 

Erik Tabak – 43,300 (27 bb)

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