Nam Van Loon Flops Top Set

Mar 19, 2024

Nam van Loon24
Photo: Nam van Loon

A player on the button raises to 3,200 and both the small blind and Nam van Loon in the big blind call. 

The flop rolls out Diamond 8Heart 7Club 4 and the action checks over to the button who bets 6,500. The small blind moves all in for 24,500 and van Loon calls in the big blind. The button shakes his head and reveals Diamond 8 before mucking his hand. 

Small blind: Diamond 7Diamond 4
Nam van Loon: Club 8Spade 8

The board runs out Club 9Diamond 9 and van Loon’s set turns into eights full as he rakes in another pot. 

Nam van Loon – 121,000 (75 bb)

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