Panagiotis Mavritsakis Doubles Off Maksym Klopotok

Mar 17, 2024

Panagiotis Mavritsakis raises to 10,000 in the cutoff, then commits his last 91,000 when small blind Maksym Klopotok moves all in.

Panagiotis Mavritsakis: Heart JSpade J
Maksym Klopotok: Spade AHeart 10

Mavritsakis is ahead with his jacks as the board comes Diamond 4Heart KHeart 9Heart QDiamond 7 to earn him a double up.

At the same table, Pierre Lewandowski has built up a stack of around 540,000.

Panagiotis Mavirtsakis- 190,000 (38 bb)
Maksym Klopotok- 120,000 (24 bb)
Pierre Lewandowski- 540,000 (108 bb)

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