Rik van Etten Takes Out Akshat Kshetrapal; Zvonimir Topic Hits a One-Outer on Rens Buijs

Mar 17, 2024

Akshat Kshetrapal gets his last 80,000 in the middle from the cutoff and Rik van Etten puts him at risk from early position.

Akshat Kshetrapal: Diamond 9Spade 9
Rik van Etten: Heart AHeart Q

Kshetrapal stays in the lead on the Spade 10Heart 7Diamond 2 flop, but van Etten hits the Spade A turn to pull in front. The Club A river improves van Etten to trips and sends Kshetrapal to the rail.

Rens Buijs recently busted at this same table and filled in the details on his last hand. According to Buijs, he and Zvonimir Topic saw a flop of X KHeart 4Heart 2 where Topic bets and Buijs calls.

The turn is the Spade 6 and Topic moves all in. Buijs calls for around 120,000 with Heart KHeart Q for top pair and a flush draw, while Topic has Spade JClub J. Topic is drawing only to one out and hits it on the Diamond J river to send Buijs to the rail.

Rik van Etten- 140,000 (56 bb)
Zvonimir Topic- 225,000 (90 bb)
Akshat Kshetrapal- eliminated
Rens Buijs– eliminated

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