Ahmad Jan Niazi Eliminated By Lukas van Eeden

Mar 17, 2024

Lukas van Eeden raises to 1,200 in first position and two players call behind him. In the big blind, Ahmad Jan Niazi raises to 19,400 which sees only van Eeden call. 

The flop rolls out Club KDiamond 10Heart 8 and Jan Niazi moves all in for 1,900 which Van Eeden quickly calls. 

Ahmad Jan Niazi: Heart ADiamond J
Lukas van Eeden: Diamond 9Heart 9

The board runs out Diamond 4Diamond 10 and Jan Niazi wishes his tablemates luck as he exits the tournament while van Eeden collects the pot. 

Lukas van Eeden – 86,000 (215 bb)
Ahmad Jan Niazi – Eliminated

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