Hand #84: Laurent Michot Wins Big Pot off Yakiv Syzghanov

Feb 5, 2024

Yakiv Syzghanov opens to 650,000 from the button and Laurent Michot defends from the big blind. 

The flop comes out Diamond 8Heart AHeart 9 and Michot check-calls a bet of 750,000 from Syzghanov. 

On the turn Spade 5, Michot checks, Syzghanov bets 1,300,000, and Michot calls once more. 

When the river falls the Club J, Michot checks and Syzghanov quickly checks back, at which point Michot rolls over Diamond ASpade K for top pair, top-kicker and Syzghanov promptly mucks. 

Laurent Michot – 12,500,000 (42 bb)
Yakiv Syzghanov – 10,500,000 (35 bb)


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