Hand #57: Andrea Volpi Eliminated in 6th Place (€26,000)

Feb 5, 2024

Andrea Volpi and Yakiv SyzghanovPhoto: Andrea Volpi

Yakiv Syzghanov opens to 525,000 and Andrea Volpi calls to see a flop of Club 7Diamond AClub 4. Volpi checks, Syzghanov bets 400,000, and Volpi-check-raises all in for 2,725,000. Syzghanov thinks for a few seconds and makes the call, putting Volpi’s tournament life at risk. 

Volpi flips over Club KClub 9 for the nut flush draw while Syzghanov tables Spade ADiamond 5 for a pair of aces. 

The turn Heart A further improves Syzghanov’s hand to trips and the river is the brick Diamond 8 to declare him the victor. The pot is then pushed his way as Volpi shakes hands around the table and makes his exit in sixth place. 

Yakiv Syzghanov – 10,350,000
Andre Volpi – Elimiated in 6th place (€26,000)

Andrea Volpi and Yakiv Syzghanov

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