Hand #36: Frederic Normand Doubles via Andrea Volpi

Feb 5, 2024

Frederic NormandPhoto: Frederic Normand

Frederic Normand opens to 400,000 from the hijack and is three-bet to 1,100,000 from Andrea Volpi in the cutoff. 

After some pause, Normand moves all in for 4,475,000 and Volpi makes the call to put him at risk. 

Frederic Normand – Heart ASpade Q
Andrea Volpi – Heart JDiamond J

The flop comes out Diamond 10Club 6Diamond Q to immediately give Normand the lead with his pair of aces while the air is sucked out of Volpi’s chest. 

The runout of Spade 3Heart 5 changes nothing and Normand is pushed the pot for a big double while Volpi is now the one left short. 

Frederic Normand – 9,450,000 (47 bb)
Andrea Volpi – 3,300,000 (17 bb)

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