Patrick Faraut Flops Set to Score Double Knockout

Feb 1, 2024

Patrick FarautPhoto: Patrick Faraut

Quentin Laugt moves all in for 13,800, Du Karlsson shoves behind for 22,100, and Patrick Faraut tosses in a call to put both of them at risk while the rest of the table folds. 

Quentin Laugt: Spade ASpade K
Du Karlsson: Club QSpade Q
Patrick Faraut: Club 3Diamond 3

Karlsson is in a prime position to score almost a triple-up with his pocket queens, but the flop of Heart 3Diamond JClub 5 is a nightmare for both he and Laugt as Faraut flops a set of threes to put him way ahead. 

The runout of Heart 10Heart A changes nothing and Faraut is awarded the pot while Laugt and Karlsson are sent to the rail. 

Patrick Faraut – 190,000 (119 bb)
Du Karlsson – Eliminated
Quentin Laugt – Eliminated

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