Hand #100: Kyle Bao Diep Eliminated in 6th Place ($90,532)

Jan 29, 2024

Kyle Bao Diep
Photo:  Kyle Bao Diep

HAND #100  –  Kyle Bao Diep raises from the cutoff to 1,200,000, leaving himself a single 25K chip behind. Konstantin Held moves all in from the big blind, and Diep calls all in for 1,225,000 with Spade ASpade K.

Held turns over Heart AHeart 7, and Diep is a dominant favorite to double up here.

But the board comes Spade 7Heart 6Heart 2Spade 10Diamond 6 — Held flops a pair of sevens with a heart flush draw, and Diep never catches up. Held wins the pot with two pair, sevens and sixes, to eliminate Diep in sixth place.

Konstantin Held  –  16,550,000  (110 bb)
Kyle Bao Diep  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($90,532)

Kyle Bao Diep
Photo:  Kyle Bao Diep

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