Hands #56-57: Amit Kaushik Gets Short; Doubles Thru Kyle Bao Diep

Jan 29, 2024

Amit Kaushik

Hand #56: Florent Remi opens to 250,000 in the cutoff and Amit Kaushik calls from the big blind. They check the Heart JDiamond 6Heart 5 flop before Kaushik’s bet of 175,0000 on the Spade 8 turn is called.

Kaushik bets another 275,000 on the Diamond 3 river but folds to Remi’s shove.

Florent Remi – 8,200,000 (66 bb)
Amit Kaushik – 825,000 (7 bb)

Hand #57: Kyle Bao Diep limps the button and Kaushik jams for 825,000 in the small blind. It folds to Diep and he calls.

Amit Kaushik: Heart AHeart 6
Kyle Bao Diep: Diamond KDiamond 9

The Diamond 10Spade 6Heart 5Spade AClub Q board gives Kaushik two pair for the double.

Amit Kaushik – 1,950,000 (16 bb)
Kyle Bao Diep – 1,900,000 (15 bb)

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