Julian Warhurst Eliminated in 19th Place by Joshua Mccully

Jan 28, 2024

Julian Warhurst

Julian Warhurst moves all-in for 385,000 from an early position and fellow Aussie Joshua Mccully calls in the cutoff, the rest of the table folds.

Julian Warhurst: Club KHeart 10
Joshua Mccully: Spade ASpade J

Mccully is ahead and retains his lead on the Diamond JClub 10Spade 3 flop as both pair their weaker kicker. Nothing changes with the Club 5 turn and Diamond 8 river to send Warhurst to the payout desk.

“Nice hand, Josh,” Warhurst sighs before heading out.

Joshua Mccully – 2,195,000 (55 bb)
Julian Warhurst – Eliminated in 19th Place ($18,574)

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