Nicholas Wang Spikes the River to Double Thru Renji Mao

Jan 28, 2024

Nicholas Wang
Photo:  Even though it saved his tournament, Nicholas Wang winced when he saw the jack hit the river.

Nicholas Wang raises to 60,000 on the button off a stack of 1,125,000 and Renji Mao in the big blind simply moves all-in with the covering stack. Wang is pained by his decision but decides to call it off.

Nicholas Wang: Spade ASpade J
Renji Mao: Diamond 10Spade 10

The suited ace gets there on the Club KDiamond 8Diamond 3Spade 9Club J and sinks back into his chair in relief.

Nicholas Wang – 2,295,000 (77 bb)
Renji Mao – 625,000 (21 bb)

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