Dmitry Nemirovsky vs. Julian Warhurst

Jan 28, 2024

Dmitry Nemirovsky
Photo:  Dmitry Nemirovsky

With the board showing Club 6Spade 4Spade 2Spade 7Club A on the river, Julian Warhurst checks from the big blind, Dmitry Nemirovsky bets 125,000 from the button, and Warhurst check-raises to 400,000.

Nemirovsky thinks for a bit while before he calls, and Warhurst shows Spade 8Diamond 6 for a pair of sixes. But Nemirovsky turns over Spade 10Spade 9 to win the pot with a ten-high flush.

Dmitry Nemirovsky  –  3,135,000  (105 bb)
Julian Warhurst  –  575,000  (19 bb)

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