Joshua Mccully Wins a Dramatic Three-Way All-In to Knock Out Justin Geronimo (22nd) and Charlie Chiu (23rd)

Jan 28, 2024

Charlie Chiu
Photo:  Charlie Chiu

In the last hand before the break, Charlie Chiu moves all in from the cutoff for 215,000, and Justin Geronimo moves all in over the top from the small blind for roughly 450,000.

Joshua Mccully looks down at pocket kings in the big blind and quickly calls, covering both players.

Joshua Mccully
Photo:  Joshua Mccully

Joshua Mccully:  Diamond KClub K
Justin Geronimo:  Club ASpade 9
Charlie Chiu:  Spade QHeart J

The flop comes Diamond ADiamond 8Diamond 7, and Geronimo celebrates pairing his ace for a moment before he realizes that Mccully is drawing to the nut flush.

The turn card pairs the board with the Club 8, and Geronimo is still in the lead, while Chiu is now drawing dead.

The river card is — the Diamond 6.

A bit of a crowd has gathered around the table at this point, and there is a huge reaction as Mccully rivers a diamond to win the entire pot with a king-high flush, eliminating both of the other players from the tournament.

Joshua Mccully  –  3,000,000  (120 bb)
Justin Geronimo  –  Eliminated in 22nd Place  ($15,580)
Charlie Chiu  –  Eliminated in 23rd Place  ($15,580)

Justin Geronimo
Photo:  Justin Geronimo celebrates his ace on the flop, but quickly gets nervous about the diamond flush possibility.

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