Piira Just Won't Budge

Sep 17, 2012

The was an open from first position, Fabrice Soulier calls on the button as does Heikki Piira in the biggeth blindeth. The flop is [Jh] [6h] [3s] and it is left to Soulier to bet first. The French maestro makes it 700 and it’s just Piira with the call. The turn is a second jack [Js] and once again Piira allows Soulier to bet and he duly obliges betting 1,250. The final card is the [9c], both players check and Piira wins the hand with a stubbon looking [7h] [6s] and Soulier mucks.

Piira ~ 31,000
Soulier ~ 43,000

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