Spencer Champlin vs. Fraser Macintyre

Dec 17, 2023

Spencer Champlin-3 Photo: Spencer Champlin

Fraser Macintyre opens in the cutoff and Spencer Champlin defends his big blind.

The flop comes Spade AClub 8Spade 7 and Champlin checks. Macintyre continuation-bets 75,000 and Champlin calls.

Both players check the Spade 8 turn, and the river is the Diamond J. Champlin bets 80,000 and Macintyre makes a quick call.

Champlin shows Club ADiamond 7 for two pair, aces and eights.

“You’re good,” says Macintyre after briefly looking back at his cards. He sends them to the muck, and Champlin takes down the pot.

Spencer Champlin – 2,905,000 (116 bb)
Fraser Macintyre – 1,680,000 (67 bb)

Fraser MacIntyre-2 Photo: Fraser Macintyre

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