Zimnan Ziyard Eliminated by Mathieu Vizioz

Nov 27, 2012

Zimnan Ziyard
Zimnan Ziyard has not made the dinner break after being eliminated by Mathieu Vizioz. We didn’t see the action but squeezed it out of a French journalist whilst he was eating some snails.

Mathieu Vizioz opens to 900 from mid-position and he receives four callers, including Zimnan ZIyard in the cutoff. During the deal there is a mistake by the dealer and a king is shown to the players before being used as the first burn card. This is important because the flop falls [Ax] [Kx] [5x] (rainbow). Our raiser c-bets for 1,200 and only Ziyard calls. The turn is another king and this time it checks to Ziyard who bets 2,400 (leaving himself 8,000 behind). Vizioz is the only caller. The fifth and final card is the [7x] and Vizioz moves all-in. Ziyard tanks for some time before making a hero call with pocket fours. Vizioz turns over the monster that is pocket aces and Ziyard was out.

Vizioz ~ 34,000

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