Guenegou Staring at Re-Entry

Nov 27, 2012

Thibaud Guenegou is having an absolute nightmare in the first two levels. The sullen looking Guenegou is playing with a measly 5,000 and here he is losing successive pots to Pascal Zabiche.

Hand 1

Guenegou makes it 400 from early position and Zabiche calls in the big blind. The action checks through to the river on a board of [Ad] [Kh] [7s] [9h] [6c] and Guenegou calls a 400 Zabiche bet. Zabiche shows [Kc] [Qc] and Guenegou mucks his hand.

Hand 2

It’s another 400 open from Guenegou and this time Zabiche takes him on from the small blind. The flop is [Qs] [6s] [2c] and Zabiche check-calls a 500 bet. The turn, [9s] is checked through and Guenegou folds to a 1,000 Zabiche bet on the river, [Ac].

Zabiche ~ 52,000
Guenegou ~ 5,000

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