Hand #27: Yuebin Guo Eliminated in 9th Place ($135,850)

Dec 13, 2023

Yuebin Guo
Photo:  Yuebin Guo

HAND #27  –  Yuebin Guo raises under the gun to 2,400,000, Jay Lu reraises from the button to 5,400,000, and Guo uses two Time Chips to tank for more than a minute before he reraises to 11,400,000.

Lu moves all in, and Guo snap-calls all in for about 26,500,000 with Diamond AClub A. Lu turns over Heart KDiamond K, and it’s a cooler situation. Guo needs his aces to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade KHeart QClub 4Spade JClub 5 — Lu flops a set of kings, Guo turns a gutshot straight draw, and the river card is a blank. Lu wins the pot with his set of kings to eliminate Guo in ninth place.

Jay Lu  –  99,800,000  (83 bb)
Yuebin Guo  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($135,850)

Yuebin Guo and Aaron Pinson Pinson
Photo:  Yuebin Guo (left) shakes hands with Aaron Pinson (right) after the hand.

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