Bob Shao Eliminated in 16th Place by Yuebin Guo

Dec 13, 2023

Bob Shao
Photo:  Bob Shao

Bob Shao raises under the gun to 4,000,000, Yuebin Guo moves all in over the top from UTG+1 for 22,300,000, and Shao calls all in for 4,300,000 with Diamond ASpade J.

Guo turns over Spade AHeart Q, and Shao needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade 8Spade 3Heart 3Club 4Spade 9, and Guo wins the pot with his queen kicker to eliminate Shao in 16th place.

Yuebin Guo  –  28,100,000  (35 bb)
Bob Shao  –  Eliminated in 16th Place  ($66,500)

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