Levi Takes One From Cohen

Nov 29, 2012

Samantha Cohen takes a break from playing Solitaire on her iPad, to raise to 1,600 in mid-position. Bruno Benveniste calls on the button and this prompts a curious call from Nicolas Levi in the big blind.

Flop: [Ks] [7d] [4c]

The action checks to Cohen and she c-bets to the tune of 2,700, Benveniste promptly leaves the hand and Levi points to the bet with his index finger. The dealer tells him the price and Levi pays it.

Turn: [9c]

Cohen tries to drag the pot away from Levi for a second time. That or she is going for value. The price tag this time is 6,000 and once again Levi pays it.

River: [4s]

Both players check, Levi flips over [Kd] [Jh] and Cohen mucks her hand unseen.

Levi ~ 35,300
Cohen ~ 48,000   

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