Adrian Pacheco Picks the Wrong Spot to Bluff Greg Sharp

Dec 9, 2023

Greg Sharp
Photo:  Greg Sharp

Note:  This hand has been corrected from its original post.

Adrian Pacheco raises from UTG+2, Greg Sharp calls from middle position, and the button and both blinds also call.

The flop comes Heart 9Diamond 7Spade 4, and it checks to the player on the button, who bets 18,000. Both blinds fold, and Pacheco check-raises to 40,000. Sharp calls, and the button folds.

The turn card is the Club 6, Pacheco checks, Sharp bets about 110,000, and Pacheco check-raises all in. Sharp calls all in for 175,500 with Heart 4Diamond 4 for a set of fours. Pacheco turns over Heart KHeart J for a king-high bluff, and he’s drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Heart 6, and Sharp wins the pot with a full house, fours full of sixes, to double up in chips.

Greg Sharp  –  480,000  (160 bb)
Adrian Pacheco  –  50,000  (17 bb)

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