$600 NLH: Alex Britton Eliminated in 4th Place ($143,927)

Dec 4, 2023

Alex Britton raises from UTG/cutoff to 2,700,000, and Brian Barker calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Heart AClub 4Heart 3, Barker bets 3,400,000, Britton moves all in for about 22,000,000, and Barker calls with Heart 8Heart 5 for a heart flush draw with a gutshot straight draw.

Britton turns over Club ASpade K for a pair of aces, and needs it to hold to stay alive.

The turn card is the Club 2, the river card is the Spade 9, and Barker turns a five-high straight to win the pot and eliminate Britton in fourth place.

Brian Barker  –  53,000,000  (44 bb)
Alex Britton  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($143,927)

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