Rob Van Hoose Eliminated in 23rd Place by Kavon Wynia

Dec 4, 2023

Alex Britton opens to 500,000 under the gun and receives calls from Kavon Wynia in the lojack and Rob Van Hoose, defending his big blind.

The flop lands Heart 9Heart 6Diamond 5 and Van Hoose checks. Britton continuation-bets 500,000 and Wynia calls.

Van Hoose thinks for a bit and counts his remaining 2.375 million, sending it forward thereafter. Britton folds and Wynia quickly calls.

Van Hoose: Heart KHeart Q (two overcards and flush draw)
Wynia: Spade JHeart J (pair of jacks)

Van Hoose flops the world, but he’s unable to improve further on running Spade ASpade 9 and is eliminated from the tournament.

Kavon Wynia – 11,100,000 (55 bb)
Alex Britton – 5,200,000 (20 bb)
Rob Van Hoose – Eliminated in 23rd Place ($6,379)

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