Monty Ford More Than Doubles

Dec 1, 2023

Three people are involved in a single-raised pot on a board reading Spade QHeart 6Spade 5. Two checks come from the small blind and under the gun before Monty Ford bets 18,000 UTG+2. The small blind check-raises all in for 50,000 and under the gun re-jams for Ford’s 122,000 effective stack.

Ford thinks for a bit and announces a call, saying he hopes he’s not up against bigger spades as he shows Spade KSpade J.

Both other players have top pair, the small blind with Club QClub J and under the gun with Heart ADiamond Q

Ford finds no more spades on running Heart 8Heart K, but he improves to a pair of kings on the river to make the best hand and scoop both pots.

Monty Ford – 339,000 

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