Rasmum Nielsen Watch

Nov 12, 2012

Rasmus Nielsen

Rasmus Nielsen just creeps into the Denmark All Time Money List in 10th place with $1.4million in live tournament earnings. He has never cashed in a WPT event but he does know how to get to a final table of a major event in his home country after recording two final table appearances at EPT Copenhagen. He currently has just under 80,000 after winning this little pot.

There is a raise from early position to 600 and Nielsen calls from the hijack seat. The action checks through to the river on a board of [5s] [5d] [4c] [5h] [Jd] and Nielsen gets some river value with a 1,000 bet. He turns over [Qd] [Jh] for top pair and his opponent turns over [Jc] [9h] – also for top pair – but with a much reduced kicker.

Nielsen ~ 77,000

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