Connor Rash Doubles Thru Bryce McVay

Nov 12, 2023

Connor Rash DoublesPhoto:  Connor Rash (right)

Connor Rash raises to 5,000 from middle position, Tyler Chen calls in the small blind, and Bryce McVay three-bets to 16,000 from the big blind. Rash calls and Chen folds.

The flop comes Heart ASpade 6Spade 4, McVay continues for 5,000, and Rash calls.

The turn is the Diamond A, McVay bets 7,000, and Rash calls.

The river is the Club 10, McVay checks, Rash moves all in for 26,000, and McVay thinks for a bit before he calls.

Rash shows Spade ASpade J for trip aces, besting McVay’s Heart JClub J to double up.

Connor Rash  –  115,500  (46 bb)
Bryce McVay  –  293,000  (117 b)

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