Baranov Bluffs Nielsen To Take the Top Spot

Nov 14, 2012

Sergii Baranov
Sergii Baranov has just showed WPT Copenhagen that he can play poker. He has just turned Rasmus Nielsen inside out to take the chip lead here on Day Two, and here is the hand narrated by Baranov himself.

"There was a raise from under the gun, Nielsen called and I also called on the button. The flop was [7x] [2x] [2x] (two spades), the original raiser checked, Nielsen bet 8,000, I raised to 19,000, the original raiser folded and Nielsen called. The turn was the [4s], Nielsen checked, I bet 19,000, he check-raised to 55,000 and I then re-raised for 100,000 more and he folded," says Baranov.

"What did you have?" We ask.

"I showed him [5h] [3h] for the bluff," says Baranov.

Baranov ~ 350,000
Nielsen ~ 110,000

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