Rasmus Nielsen Doubles Up Morten Klein

Nov 14, 2012

Rasmus Nielsen has just angered one player and doubled up another. But despite a few setbacks he is still look strong, confident and is playing well. When we arrive at the table one of the players says something out loud.

"Pardon?" Asks Nielsen

"I wasn’t talking to you buddy…I was talking to myself…I never get any luck," says his detractor.

"I do," says Nielsen.

Then Morten Klein opens to 3,700 in the cutoff, Nielsen three-bets to 10,100 in the blinds, Klein moves all-in for 26,600 and Nielsen calls.


Klein: [Kc] [Ks]
Nielsen: [8d] [8d]

Board: [Qc] [7c] [4s] [Ac] [Ah]

No eight – or luck – for Nielsen and he drops down to around 190,000. Klein doubles to around 39,000.

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