Klein Doubles Through Nielsen

Nov 14, 2012

Bircan Catar opens the action with a 1,600 bet from the hijack, Rasmus Nielsen three-bets to 5,100 in the next seat before Morten Klein cold four-bets for 14,500 (leaving himself 26,700 behind). Catar decides to fold, but Nielsen makes the call.

Flop: [9d] [6s] [4s]

Nielsen checks in the dark, Klein moves all-in and Nielsen makes the call.


Klein: [Ac] [Ad]
Nielsen: [Qs] [Js]

It’s the over pair of Klein versus the flush-draw of Nielsen. The turn is the [Kh], river [Kc] and Klein doubles up.

Klein ~ 60,000
Nielsen ~ 162,000

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