Double Elimination: Shiina Okamoto (30th), Simon Taberham (31st) Eliminated On A Three-Way By Hirokazu Kobatashi

Sep 25, 2023

Shiina Okamoto Simon Taberham
Photo:  Shiina Okamoto (left) and Simon Taberham (right)

Immediately after plunging to 1.5 bb, Simon Taberham goes all in without looking at his cards, several spots down, cutoff Shiina Okamoto joins for 435,000, then small blind Hirokazu Kobatashi calls to put the two players both at risk. 

Simon Taberham Diamond 4Club 4
Shiina Okamoto Diamond ASpade Q
Hirokazu Kobatashi Heart ADiamond K

There is a king in the window as the board comes Spade KHeart KHeart 5Spade 10Club 10, and Kobatashi flops trip kings and rivers a full house to deliver a double knockout.

Hirokazu Kobatashi – 1,920,000 (96 bb)
Shiina Okamoto – Eliminated in 30th Place (AUD 26,007)
Simon Taberham – Eliminated in 31st Place (AUD 26,007) 

Hirokazu Kobatashi
Photo:  Hirokazu Kobatashi

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