John Camilleri Tanks To Gary Lin

Sep 24, 2023

John Camilleri Photo:  John Camilleri

Hand opens with a min-raise by Nil Esteve Magrane on hijack, button Gary Lin and small blind John Camilleri call. At the flop Diamond 9Heart 7Heart 4, Magrane c-bets 25,000, Lin calls, Camilleri check-raises 75,000, Magrane folds, Lin calls. On the turn Club 7 Camilleri c-bets 50,000, Lin calls again. On the river Heart A, Camilleri sends out 52,000, Lin tanks then announces all in. Camilleri tanks using up two time banks then folds. 

Gary Lin – 2,275,000 (284 bb)
John Camilleri – 252,000 (32 bb)

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