Hand #16: Jonathan Trip Eliminated by Richard Lee; More Eliminations to Come

Sep 24, 2023

Jonathan Trip
Photo:  Jonathan Trip

In Hand #16 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, there were two all-in-and-call situations at different tables.

At Table #4, Yuto Suzuki raises under the gun to 17,000, Ori Ohana calls UTG+1, Richard Lee calls from the small blind, and Jonathan Trip tanks for a while before he calls from the big blind.

All four players check to the turn on a board of Club KHeart 10Club 3Diamond 3, and Lee bets 20,000. Trip uses his last Time Chip to tank for nearly a minute before he moves all in for 45,000. Suzuki and Ohana both fold, and Lee quickly calls.

Trip shows Heart KDiamond J for two pair, kings and threes, but Lee turns over Spade 3Heart 3 for quad threes — Trip is drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Heart 2, and Lee wins the pot with his four of a kind to eliminate Trip on the Money Bubble.

Richard Lee  –  845,000  (106 bb)

Trip now has to wait for the outcome of the other all-in situation to see if he’ll get a piece of 75th place, and — details coming soon — there was a double elimination at Table #3. So the three players eliminated during Hand #16 chop 74th and 75th places, earning AUD $8,370 each.

Jonathan Trip  –  Eliminated in a Tie for 74th Place  (AUD $8,370)

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