Luis Vargas Cracks Aces to Win a Three-Way All-In and Knock Out Leo Kamiya

Sep 23, 2023

Luis Vargas
Photo:  Luis Vargas

Leo Kamiya moves all in under the gun for 32,000 holding Heart AHeart 8, Luis Vargas moves all in over the top from late position Diamond QHeart Q,and Konstantinos Kamaras calls from the button, covering both of their stacks with Heart ASpade A. When the board runs Diamond JSpade 8Spade 5Club 9Club Q, Vargas spikes the two-outer on the river to win the entire pot, doubling thru Kamaras and eliminating Kamiya from the tournament. 

Luis Vargas – 213,500 (72 bb)
Konstantinos Kamaras – 185,000 (62 bb)
Leo Kamiya – Eliminated

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