Michael Rattigan Gets Value With Kings Against Corey Kempson

Sep 22, 2023

Michael Rattigan and Corey Kempson Photo:  Michael Rattigan (left) and Corey Kempson

Action folds to the blinds, Michael Rattigan raises and tells big blind Corey Kempson he can fold. Kempson says he has a good hand and calls. Both players check the flop Spade 9Heart 5Spade 10. The turn Club 7, Rattigan bets 2,000, Kempson calls. On the river Heart 10, Rattigan bets 15,000 which is neearly double the pot, Kempson tanks then calls. Rattigan turns over Heart KDiamond K to win the pot.

Michael Rattigan – 185,000 (230 bb)
Corey Kempson – 133,500 (167 bb)

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