Hand #135: Marc Sen Flops Quads to Double Thru Alessandro Pichierri

Sep 11, 2023

Marc Sen and Alessandro Pichierri
Photo:  Marc Sen (left) and Alessandro Pichierri (right) both smile as they react to the Sen flopping quads to clinch the double-up.

HAND #135  –  Alessandro Pichierri raises from the cutoff to 1,000,000, Marc Sen moves all in from the big blind for 2,975,000, and Pichierri calls with Spade JClub 10.

Sen turns over Club KSpade 9, and needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade KHeart KDiamond KHeart 6Club Q, and Sen flops quad kings to clinch the pot and double up in chips.

Marc Sen  –  6,550,000  (16 bb)
Alessandro Pichierri  –  13,250,000  (33 bb)

Quad Kings

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