Stefan Eggenberger Wins a Three-Way Pot and Knocks Out Phuong Nguyen

Sep 9, 2023

Gaetan Girardin raises from the cutoff to 10,000, and Phuong Nguyen moves all in from the small blind for 21,000. Stefan Eggenberger moves all in over the top from the big blind for 113,000, and Girardin asks for an exact count and thinks for a while before he calls, covering both players.

Gaetan Girardin:  Club ASpade K
Stefan Eggenberger:  Spade 6Heart 6
Phuong Nguyen:  Heart 5Diamond 5

The board comes Spade AHeart QDiamond 2Diamond 6Club 4, and Girardin pairs his ace on the flop, but Eggenberger turns a set of sixes to clinch the entire pot, doubling thru Girardin and eliminating Nguyen from the tournament.

Stefan Eggenberger  –  252,000  (50 bb)
Gaetan Girardin  –  310,000  (62 bb)
Phuong Nguyen  –  Eliminated

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