Paco Paolo Fromaigeat Levaes Kevin Sperber with Crumbs

Sep 9, 2023

Kevin Sperber was kind enough to share the details of a cooler that led to his subsequent his demise.

Sperber raises his last 32,000 all-in and gets called by Paco Paolo Fromiageat for just slightly less.

Paco Paolo Fromaigeat: Club 9Heart 9
Kevin Sperber: Diamond AHeart A

Sperber is in great shape to boost his stack, but the dealer spreads a flop of Diamond 9Club 9Spade 5, flopping Fromaigeat quad nines.

Running aces fail to materialize for Sperber and shortly after, the crumbs he was left with go in with Club KClub 3 against Heart AHeart 7 and his opponent makes a flush to finish Sperber off.

Paco Paolo Fromaigeat – 64,000 (25 bb)
Kevin Sperber – eliminated

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