Loic Joseph Doubles in Classic Race

Sep 8, 2023

After an exchange of bets and raises preflop between Philippe Wettstein in the small blind and Loic Joseph in early position, all of Jospeh’s 30,200 chips were in the middle and at risk, with Wettstein only slightly covering him.

Loic Joseph: Spade QHeart Q
Philippe Wettstein: Spade ASpade K

The dealer runs out a board of Diamond 5Spade 2Club 2Spade JHeart J, giving Joseph the double, while leaving Wettstein with crumbs which would disappear shortly after, but he has since re-entered the tournament.

Loic Joseph – 62,000 (103 bb)
Philippe Wettstein – 30,000 (50 bb)

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