Dustin Kuipers Gets There to Further Shorten Saliji

Sep 7, 2023

Four ways to a flop of Spade KSpade JDiamond 4 with approximately 5,000 in the pot, Dustin Kuipers checks the small blind, as does the big blind. Seid Saliji bets 2,500 from under the gun and gets a call from Matej Michalek to his immediate left.

Back on Kuipers, he moves all in for just under 11,000 and gets a call from Saliji before Michaklek folds.

Dustin Kuipers: Club JClub 9
Seid Saliji: Heart KDiamond 5

Saliji is ahead with his pair of kings, but a Diamond 9 on the river gives Kuipers the pot, leaving Saliji short.

Dustin Kuipers – 27,000 (90 bb)
Matej Michalek – 9,600 (32 bb)
Seid Saliji – 4,400 (14 bb)

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