Chia Hsuan Hsu Eliminated in 12th Place On a Three-Way (TWD503,000/$15,738)

Aug 20, 2023

Tao Wei Chang jams from cutoff holding Heart KClub 7, small blind Chia Hsuan Hsu risks it with less chips and Club AClub 5, big blind Jacky Wang thinking it is battle of the blinds, snap-calls and turns over Spade AHeart 3. When the flop runs Spade 9Club 3Heart J, Wang jumps ahead with a pair. The turn Diamond K Chang celebrates the better pair, and with the river Diamond 6, Chang doubles up and more. Hsu is eliminated.

Tao Wei Chang – 3,730,000 (46 bb)
Jacky Wang – 6,600,000 (82 bb)
Chia Hsuan Hsu – Eliminated in 12th place (TWD503,000/$15,738)

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