Ta Wei Tou Doubles Through Jacky Wang

Aug 20, 2023

Jacky Wang was the chip leader not long ago and lost more than half of his stack. There is another set back when he calls the shove by Ta Wei Tou for 199,000 while in the blinds.

Ta Wei Tou: Heart KHeart 10
Jacky Wang: Club ASpade J

The Diamond AClub KHeart 5Spade 7Spade 10 board delivers the next blow on the river, leaving the usually very jovial Wang almost speechless.

Ta Wei Tou – 425,000
Yannick Leonard, 1,300,000
Jass Chew – 1,300,000
Tao Wei Chang – 1,300,000
Renato Villanueva – 800,000
Jacky Wang – 700,000

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