Juyeol Lee Eliminated by Guillem Segarra

Aug 20, 2023

Picking up the action on the Heart QClub 10Diamond 6Club 8 turn, Juyeol Lee checks in the small blind and Guillem Segarra bets 40,000 in the big blind. Lee check-raises to 200,000 with around 60,000 behind and Segarra then splashes in more chips for a reraise.

Lee is initially confused and clarifies the reraise before using a time bank, he then calls all-in.

Juyeol Lee: Spade QSpade 2
Guillem Segarra: Diamond QHeart 9

Lee has outs to win or chop but the Diamond 9 river gives Segarra two pair for the knockout.

Guillem Segarra – 840,000
Hazel Chui – 875,000
Juyeol Lee – Eliminated in 60th Place

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